GROW UP that was what a girl friend told me when i made a stupid joke in class, the phrase made me feel remorseful although it was aimed at shutting me up. i then took hold of the word, chewed and digested it, this action made me reminisce my journey from pampers to tissue paper.
in retrospect of what i was like as a young boy, soft toned, chubby cheeks, fresh smooth skin, cute fingers, peaceful playful habits, nobody could help but show me love minus times i pooh pooh and urinate. just like most kids out there i had this charm that was hard to resist.

As the calender marked December 27 of every year, the delineation became clearer, i then began to realise I'm not supposed to be forever young, all of a sudden i had too many people to care about, my thoughts became occupied, all what used to mean a lot to me became callow and immature, my once scanty hate list witnessed expeditious increase, i had too many friends to watch out for and please, painfully lost some in the process, started being conscious of my body structure, skin, clothes i wear. i began to grow hair in unnecessary places. i had bumps to worry about, my once playful habits turned violent, the whole picture became complicated.
Since I'm no longer a kid, i can no longer play police and thief with friends, sit with my father's friends, get anything i want by crying, can't run round the house naked, sleep in between my parents at night, it goes on and on. truth is i miss all these and wish it could go on for some more time, but like my friend told me I've got to grow up.
if you ask anybody how he sees him or herself as a parent, they probably envision themselves with their partner and "young children". Nobody wants to imagine a grown up child, every parent wants to forever have his baby. what i probably need to do now is to live and enjoy my time by doing things i won't regret in future, and first on the list is my Education.